I started this photo project in 2011, when I experienced the fear and unpreparedness of being a mother.
Through this work I reveal the emotional journey that was present when I started it. I tried all the things read in books and message of parents about how to be mother. But that was not enough. changes continue to occur which then create feeling of imperfection. Why am I imperfect?
But the answer to why I’m not perfect is answered by time. that everything I learn must be done. so that it not only a question and a burden on my mind. The experiences I go through every day are quite effective in reducing the sense of imperfection. I learned to be grateful for many things I went through together. however, I realized that since giving birth to Nada, I had poor memory skills. Not wanting to go through all the memories with Nada, especially when we were out together so I started taking picture as reminder.
Apart from being a trail of what I have been through and creating a bonding relationship with Nada, I want to share the experience that apart from bad things there are always good things we can get. We just need to learn to look for it.