Idealita Ismanto is a documentary photographer based in Surabaya, Indonesia. A graduate of the Indonesian Institute of Arts Yogyakarta and earned Master’s degree in education from State University of Surabaya, Idealita has worked with several local and international NGOs.

She is visual story teller whose passion is to narrate community empowerment, children, woman rights, and social issues through documentary photography. She is currently working on long term project about interfaith marriage in Indonesia.

Her works have been exhibited at KunstKamera Museum Rusia, Galeri Nasional, Kedai Kebun forum Yogyakarta with Mes 56, Indonesian Institute of Arts Bandung.  In 2020, her works were exhibited at Solo Photo Festival, Visma Gallery in Surabaya , virtual photo exhibition at https://melihatbersama.com/faith , Fotodemic https://www.fotodemic.org/diaries/dunia-yang-hilang-the-lost-world  and her work was selected in the Alumni Curates Project and exhibited on the Instagram Angkor Photo Festival https://www.instagram.com/p/CHaYuSzHySz/

Publications: INFID, Plan International,  World Vision International, Oxfam Great Britain, Indonesian Women Coalition, UN Women, Tifafoundation, Pannafoto Institute, 1000Kata, Indonesian Photojournalist, Fotodemic, Massisolation format, Photographer in isolation,WomenPhotograph.Indonesia, Pandemic Adjustment, Kompas Klik, JawaPos Newspaper, Surabaya Pagi Post.

2014: “Ostkreuz Masterclass Workshop” mentored by Jorg Bruggeman at Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara, Jakarta.

2015: “Photography and Multimedia Workshop” mentored by Christophe Loviny at Institute Francais Indonesia Surabaya

Email: idealita.dea@gmail.com

Phone: +6282245557465